
r00tabaga basic operations manual (IN PROGRESS)

So, here we go again. Another gadget project.  I got this one during Defcon 21 and haven't really spent any time to explore it until now.  (Note: I also have a good collection of Wifi Pineapples in storage which I have not had time to experiment on.)

So, just like before, i start exploring the net to find manuals and forums for the best way to utilize the r00tabaga.  I'm looking to find basic operational commands, configurations and topology setups which seems like non-existent.  All I can find are the marketing information and recovery instructions (which I posted) just in case you brick it. Due to the lack of an operation manual, this is my working research notes on trying to compile one. 

As always, this will be a hot mess of copied, pasted, lifted and borrowed information from existing websites, (and my own notes).  I will always do my best to credit the talented people who gave their time and effort to share their knowledge to the world, but please pardon me if I miss some.

PHASE 1: Topology (Physical Setup) and System Update

09/06/2014 Update: I'm still looking for resources available on the net to see if anyone has posted how they set this up on their network or computer.  Maybe the latest firmware and running updates.  Being a dual purpose device (minipwner and wifipineapple) network setup might be a little tricky.  I figure the secure shell is where the magic.  I'll post whatever I learn in the next couple of days. Stay tuned.