

To retrieve the password from the .cap files of access point handshakes using hashcat, you can follow these steps:

1. Ensure you have a compatible version of hashcat installed on your system. You can download hashcat from the official website: https://hashcat.net/hashcat/

2. Convert the .cap files into a format recognized by hashcat using the `hcxpcaptool` tool. Here's an example command:

   hcxpcaptool -z myhandshake.16800 myhandshake.cap

   Replace `myhandshake.cap` with the actual path and filename of your .cap file. This command converts the .cap file into a format recognized by hashcat and saves it as `myhandshake.16800`.

3. Run hashcat with the appropriate options and hash type. Use the `-m` option to specify the hash type (2500 for WPA/WPA2) and provide the path to the converted handshake file (`myhandshake.16800` in this example). You can use a wordlist file as the input for hashcat using the `-a 0 -w` options. Here's an example command:

   hashcat -m 2500 myhandshake.16800 wordlist.txt

   Replace `wordlist.txt` with the path to your wordlist file containing potential passwords. Hashcat will iterate through the wordlist and attempt to crack the password using the captured handshake.

   If you want to generate password candidates with custom rules, you can use the `--stdout` option and pipe the output to hashcat. Here's an example:

  hashcat -m 2500 myhandshake.16800 --stdout -r custom.rule ?l?u?d?d?d?d?d?d

   In this example, `custom.rule` represents a custom rule file, and `?l?u?d?d?d?d?d?d` defines the pattern for generating passwords with lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and digits.

   Note that cracking passwords can be a time-consuming process, and success depends on the complexity and strength of the password, as well as the resources available for cracking.

Remember to use hashcat responsibly and only on systems you have explicit permission to test.