
Defcon 20th Anniversary Hacker Jeopardy Challenge Coin

Defcon 20 Hacker Jeopardy Challenge Coin Limited Edition #21
This coin was not available at the swag booth.  It can be acquired only at the Hacker Jeopardy contest during the Friday night elimination and the Saturday night finals.  Winn was giving it away to individuals from the audience for answering hard Hacker Jeopardy questions.  Other than that, the only other way to get it was to donate to the EFF.  I do not know exactly how many was made or given away.  But is would have been awesome if I got #20 for Defcon's 20th Anniversary.  BTW, it doubles as a bottle opener.

Hak5 Challenge Coin
 I also got the Hak5 challenge coin courtesy of Snubs.  It has little stamps of pineapples (wifi pineapple) on it.  I thought it was a pretty cool coin also, but I don't think I can win any free drinks with it.   But it's still pretty cool.