
DEFCON 23: WiFi Sheep Hunt - FAQs


How do I sign up?

Come by the Packet Hacking Village, and drop by the WiFi Sheep Hunt desk.  Say Hi!, and give your full name, address, phone number and bosses name to a “farm” hand. OR at the very least give a team name and email address so we can identify you. WE WILL need a picture of you if you are a prize winner however. So if you are camera shy you better buy a mask or bribe a stand-in for the picture.

Wait but what clues am I sniffing for exactly?
Well, we have AeroScout Tags that are broadcasting messages that will help you because those messages will be clues as to how to connect to the access points. We also may or may not have devices constantly connected to those access points that may or may not help you find the right access points to connect to. Remember bogus clues, tags, hints, devices do exist.

Where will I need to be in order to receive the clue packets?
You will want to stay close to the Packet Hacking Village and preferably close to the WiFi Sheep Hunt information desk. Well, that is if you don't have specific types of antennas to be farther that is.

What hours will the clues be transmitting?
Contest equipment will be broadcasting starting August 6th Thursday morning around 10am until August 9th Sunday morning around 10am.

How do I know what access points to actually connect to?
Here is your first hint, they will have at the very least the following letters in the broadcasting SSID name: S H F I W. But you know what, our admins have just informed me they do not know if they set the access points to actually broadcast an SSID or not. I guess you have your work cut out for you.

When I successfully connect to an access point how do I get the credit for bringing that sheep to the “farm”?
Well you do have an SSID and a password and/or username and password combination don't you? I think you just answered your own question. Keep that information with you and if you want verification maybe one of the “farm” hands will help you, or maybe they will not.

Will hints be provided on twitter like they were last year?
I don't know what do you think? Maybe you should follow @wallofsheep and #WiFiSheepHunt and find out.

Will you take bribes for clues and help or assistance?
MOST DEFINITELY! FOOD, DRINKS, SWAG, ETC are all fair game. This is DEF CON. Now remember we didn't say they would be good clues but they could be. You have been warned.

What if I choose the hack the WiFi Sheep Hunt contest wireless access points route how do I get credit?
You may want to read the fine print at the top (see previous blog post). OR you can show your work to a “farm” hand and they will give you credit. But remember, you can only win in this way if no other Sheep Herder brings all three sheep back to the “farm”. 

There are other ways to play so at least one of the other ways does not involve connecting to a contest access point. You will get notoriety however because we will tweet what you did and give you props!

When will the winners be announced?
The winners will be announced at the Packet Hacking Village and on Twitter on or about August 9th at noon. 



So for example, if you are the 1 st prize winner but are not able to pickup the prize you will get the props on twitter but the prize will be given to the next eligible contestant with the most sheep brought to the “farm”.