
WIFI | Aircrack Revisit

Title: Cracking Wireless Networks with Aircrack-ng: A Comprehensive Guide for Network Forensics Experts


Aircrack-ng is a powerful suite of tools used to assess and exploit wireless network security. As a network forensics expert, understanding and utilizing this suite can greatly enhance your skills and capabilities. In this blog post, we'll go through a step-by-step guide on using Aircrack-ng to crack a Wi-Fi network, including the use of deauthentication attacks.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only. Unauthorized access to networks is illegal, and you should only use these techniques on networks that you have permission to access.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Aircrack-ng

1. Install Aircrack-ng: Before you begin, make sure Aircrack-ng is installed on your system. You can download the latest version from the official website (https://www.aircrack-ng.org/) and follow the installation instructions provided for your specific operating system.

2. Identify the target network: Start by scanning for available Wi-Fi networks in the vicinity using the "airodump-ng" command, which requires an interface in monitor mode. Run the following commands:

# Set the wireless interface to monitor mode sudo airmon-ng start <interface_name> # Scan for available networks sudo airodump-ng <monitor_interface_name>

3.Capture handshake: To crack a WPA/WPA2 network, you'll need to capture the handshake between a client and the access point. Use the "airodump-ng" command to target the specific network and write the captured packets to a file:

sudo airodump-ng -c <channel> --bssid <BSSID> -w <capture_file> <monitor_interface_name>
4. Deauthenticate clients (Deauth Attack): If no clients are connected to the target network or if you want to speed up the handshake capturing process, use a deauthentication attack to disconnect clients from the access point. This will force them to reconnect, thereby generating a handshake. Run the following command:

sudo aireplay-ng -0 <number_of_deauth_packets> -a <BSSID> -c <client_MAC_address> <monitor_interface_name>
  1. Crack the password: Once you've captured the handshake, use Aircrack-ng to crack the password. You'll need a wordlist for this step, which is a file containing a list of possible passwords. Run the following command:

aircrack-ng -w <path_to_wordlist> -b <BSSID> <capture_file.cap>
  1. Analyze the results: If Aircrack-ng successfully cracks the password, it will display the passphrase along with the associated BSSID. You can now use this information to connect to the network.
  • Install Aircrack-ng on your system.
  • Identify the target network by scanning for available Wi-Fi networks using "airodump-ng."
  • Capture the handshake between a client and the access point with "airodump-ng."
  • Use deauthentication attacks to speed up the handshake capturing process with "aireplay-ng."
  • Crack the password using a wordlist and the captured handshake with "aircrack-ng."
  • Analyze the results and connect to the network using the cracked passphrase.
By following these steps and employing the tools in the Aircrack-ng suite, network forensics experts can efficiently assess and exploit wireless network security. Remember to use these techniques responsibly and only on networks you have permission to access.